TimeSplitters HD would be considered if petition hits 300,000 signatures

There has been talk for years of a new TimeSplitters, or a remake, or even just a HD re-release but every time people start to get excited, dreams get crushed and fans grow ever tired of the on-going battle for more robot monkeys.  

But now it seems that we may just be onto something, if enough people are interested that is. Crytek have said they would consider releasing HD versions of the TimeSplitters series if a petition reached 300,000 signatures.

CEO Cevat Yerli has stated that with such signatures, it would be a great argument for them to put forward to decision makers and key stakeholders in the company. 

"There's a very hardcore market that is very verbal about [a TimeSplitters HD Collection]. I would love to see this. They're trying to call 300,000 voices, I think it's at two or three thousand right now. 

If they could get the petition together I would be very happy to put in front of decision makers in the company, the key stakeholders, and say "Look here. This is how it is, let's make it now." 

It seems that fans yearning for a HD release could be in luck, as a former Free Radical employee stated last month that a HD version of TimeSplitters 2 was in development four years ago. 

"I don't know what happened to that but yes, I'd love to see it released at some point. Maybe it could be the catalyst that is required in order to raise enough interest inTimeSplitters 4 that a publisher might want to fund it."

Does a HD release sound interesting to you? If so then head over to the petition and get signing. Make sure to bring along a few friends too, as it may be a while before we hit that 300,000 mark.

Considering the popularity of the second and third instalments on GameCube, there would be a high chance that the title would see a release on Wii U... if it gets released at all that is. 

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