Today's Nintendo Direct available to watch again

Posted 18 Dec 2013 at 15:00 by Ashley Jones
Satoru Iwata once again presented some new information directly to Nintendo fans today, and if you missed it you can rewatch it below.
Today's Nintendo Direct featured news that Rosalina and Luma would join the Super Smash Bros. roster, Yoshi-flavoured DLC would be coming to Sonic Lost World and anyone that plays Pokémon Bank before September 30th will be able to recieve Serebii.
This is in addition to the unveiling of Hyrule Warriors, a new Mario Kart 8 trailer, the surprise announcement of NES Remix and confirmation that Wii Sports Club Golf would be available today.
The full Nintendo Direct is available to watch below. Be sure to let us know what you think using the comments section below.