Update: Game Stars

Didn't get a chance to participate in the Game Stars trial yesterday? Fear not Nintendudes, as help is at hand!

Some gamers who attended the Game Stars trial yesterday were not able to participate, due to unforseen interest . Karen Carlson, from BHPR, has emailed me with some additional information to console those who were a little unfortunate. Karen confirms that there will be a competition that you'll all be able to take part in later this year.

Here's Karen's explanation - ''Just to clarify Game Stars itself is a awards for the best video and computer games, like a BAFTA for the gaming industry. The public will be able to vote from different categories on their favourite games.''

We will be having competitions around the country in October for people to try out to be the UK's Greatest Gamer. The times and locations will be announced in early October, as will information on signing up to participate.

As yesterday was just a trial in one location we didn't do a lot of publicity for it. We will be doing a lot more when it is launched in October.Those who make the final cut from the challenges around the country will be on the show in November.''

Thanks again to Karen Carlson for putting us in the know. More updates soon.

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