Video interview with ZombiU creative director

Posted 14 Nov 2012 at 11:52 by Joshua Phillips
Florent Sacré, Creative Director of ZombiU, had a recent video interview with VG24/7 and shared some interesting facts about the development of the title.
He starts off by declaring his love for dirt and how clean, clear visuals would not have worked in a horror game. He continues to explain various influences that went into ZombiU, such as films whereby you grow attached to certain key characters but don't mind others dying.
This is something they bought to ZombiU, allowing you to play as various different characters, hoping you'd get a strong bond with one or two or them whilst not being too fussed about the death of some others. Morbid, indeed.
Other than the interview itself is some rather nice looking gameplay footage, scroll down to watch the beautiful video... if you class 'mass zombie death' as beautiful, that is.
Are you excited for ZombiU? Let us know your thoughts below.