Why does Nintendo need Bayonetta 2?

Posted 23 Jun 2013 at 18:30 by Mohamed Ali
IGN's Greg Miller asked Corey Olcsvary (Nintendo Treehouse) why the Nintendo and the Wii U needed Bayonetta 2 during IGN's E3 Stage Show. Here's what he had to say.
Corey Olcsvary:"One of the reasons we’re really excited to have this game exclusive to Wii U is, for one thing, we want to have experiences for players of all ranges. …we’ve got games like Mario Kart 8, which are great for everyone. And obviously this game is not quite for everyone, the first game being rated ‘M’ of course.
Absolutely (it’s important to take care of the hardcore fanbase). And those hardcore fans who enjoyed the original Bayonetta, you’re gonna come to find out that they’re pulling no punches in bringing that exact same content back."
You can check out the video here: