Wii Sports Club Golf available later today

Posted 18 Dec 2013 at 14:14 by Ashley Jones
The Wii U HD remake of Wii Sports, titled Wii Sports Club, will grow today as the Golf sport is added to the already-available Tennis and Bowling.
As well as offering online play and improved graphics, Wii Sports Club Golf will also allow players to place the GamePad on the floor and use it for teeing off, as initially demonstrated alongside the unveiling of the Wii U years ago.
In addition to this, a new 9-hole course has been added based on the NES title Golf USA.
As with the other titles, Nintendo is offering a 24-hour trial so that you can sample the title. Wii Sports Club has automatically been pushed to Wii U consoles with sufficient storage space following the October update, so look out for it on your Wii U.
Satoru Iwata stated the title will be available following today's presentation, which is still going on, so be sure to check out for it.
Stay tuned to N-Europe for our upcoming review.