Wii U North America launch details

Posted 13 Sep 2012 at 17:24 by Aaron Clegg
While we were all recovering from today's European blow-out, Nintendo of America was detailing their own launch program for Wii U.
The system will release in North America before anywhere else - on November 18th 2012. That's just a day shy of exactly six years after the original Wii.
The continent will receive the same two bundles as Europe - the white Basic and the black Premium, with the latter coming with Nintendo Land.
The Basic package will set consumers in the US back $299.99, while the Premium version will go for $349.99.
However, perhaps the highlight of the American event was news of a feature that doesn't seem to be available anywhere else - Nintendo TVii.
Nintendo TVii is a free feature for American Wii U owners, and seems to be one big, umbrella network that brings together all manner of on-demand TV, movies, and sports services. Netflix, Hulu, Amazon Video and Tivo are just some of the big names on-board.
The promo trailer does a better job of explaining it.
Nintendo TVii wasn't mentioned at all in today's European Nintendo Direct, so it looks like we'll have to grudgingly accept that it is something that will not make its way over here any time soon.