Wii U price dropped by $50 in USA

Nintendo of America has confirmed that the Wii U will see a $50 price drop beginning September 20th, making the Premium Pack $299.99.  

At present Nintendo of Europe and Japan have yet to confirm if other territories will recieve a price drop, but if we hear anything we shall let you know.

Nintendo has also confirmed that a special edition Winder Waker hardware bundle will be released in October, while the handheld family will be extended with the introduction of the Nintendo 2DS.

Speaking of the price drop, Nintendo of America's president Reggie Fils-Aime said the following:

Really, the focus on heightening the value for Wii U is now that we are in a position where we’ve got a regular pace of great software. Pikmin 3, New Super Luigi U that just launched physically, Wonderful 101 in September, and then Wind Waker. Then we’ve got strong third-party content coming for the holidays as well. Scribblenauts, Skylanders, Sonic Lost World, Call of Duty: Ghosts, Assassin’s Creed IV, Watch Dogs. So, strong pace of first-party, strong third-party content. Now’s the time to make the Wii U even more affordable and heighten the value.

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