Wii U sales jump 125%

Posted 02 Apr 2013 at 20:58 by Joshua Phillips
The Wii U, eh? It doesn't do things by half, it's either doing terribly bad or indeed, terribly well. And we're pleased to announce that it's finally starting to pick up the pace thanks to a bunch of events in the last few weeks... terribly good events.
Indeed, according to MCV (via Nintendo Insider) last week saw a turning point for the misunderstood console and sales jumped by nearly 125%.
The data reveals that Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate was largely responsible, as it accounted for narly half of the Wii U software revenue within that week.
The Wii U was also no doubt helped by the massive price cut seen in HMV, where the premium bundle was dropped to £200.
Finally though, the release of the long awaited LEGO City Undercover was the icing on an already wonderful cake, and managed to edge its way into the UK All-Format top 20 this week.
Hopefully now that the dark Winter month are behind us and a bunch of titles, such as Pikmin 3 and Game & Wario are on the near horizon, Nintendo will have a steady stream of quality titles to keep the console going strong.
What do you make of this news? Do you think Nintendo can maintain and build momentum for Wii U?