Windjammers 2 throws out a new trailer at Gamescom 2019

Posted 20 Aug 2019 at 14:15 by Sam C Gittins
Windjammers 2 is certainly turning out to be a hotly anticipated sequel indeed and the hype levels couldn't be higher on the back of the latest information concerning two new characters and a brand new trailer showcasing all the action.
Check out the details and the trailer below...
PARIS -- August 19, 2019 -- Publisher and developer Dotemu revealed a radical gameplay trailer for the legendary powerdisc throwing game Windjammers 2 today at Gamescom 2019. Additionally the publisher revealed that fans looking to test their power moves can do so early next year on Google Stadia, as well as Nintendo Switch and other PC platforms.
Competitors can incorporate all-new jumps, smashes, and slapshots while giving their all on the court, making Windjammers 2 a true elevation of the series’ style of action so revered it’s found a home among the fighting game esports community. You heard that right, Windjammers is totally on the pro esports circuit, dude.
Windjammers 2 also features enhanced online multiplayer gameplay modes, providing rewarding competition for those looking for the ultimate challenge at home via their PC, on the beach with their Switch, or anytime and anyplace they feel the need to jam. Robust single-player modes are included for those who like to jam solo or hone their disc-craft offline in full neon spandex cosplay. Hey, we ain’t judgin’.
More information regarding Windjammers 2 on Google Stadia (specs, price and launch date) will be announced soon. For complete information on Windjammers, hit up
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