Yacht Club Games have announced a video presentation for August 28th

To say that Shovel Knight has been a Kickstarter success is something of an understatement as the game has proven to be one of the most popular 2D platformers of recent times across all the platforms it has released for including the Switch.

Yacht Club Games have kept their promises as well, delivering multiple expansions over the years since the base games original release including the Plague of Shadows and Spectre of Torment campaigns.

But it's the last campaign titled King of Cards where you get to play as King Knight which has taken the longest so far as it has already been well over two years since the last update. (Heck, I even purchased the Shovel Knight Treasure Trove and I've usually tended to opt for waiting for physical releases)

The exact wording on the promotional material is "Tune in for a video presentation on upcoming Yacht Club Games products, including new Shovel Knight news!" so I don't think we'd be wrong to think that a release date for the final campaign, the physical version of the full game and the amiibo figures might be... on the cards.

However, it seems we will have to wait until Wednesday to find out just what the developer has in store for us as there might even be news related to their recently announced game Cyber Shadow or any number of things.

We'll make sure to report on everything once the video has been shown here in the UK, so expect a roundup sometime shortly after the event.

What are you hoping for from this presentation? Have you been holding off buying Shovel Knight until all of it is released? Or have you completed the game several times in its various forms and are waiting for a new challenge?

Let us know your thoughts in the comments section or join in with the discussion on our forum.

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