Yooka-Laylee cancelled for Wii U, Playtonic looking into Switch verison

When Yooka-Laylee was announced it was a lot of gamers' dream - a 3D platformer in the style of classics such as Mario 64 and Banjo-Kazooie.  Playtonic, made up of mostly former Rare staff, were making a love letter to the genre and were excited about the Wii U version.  However, that version has now been cancelled.

Posting a FAQ on their site, Playtonic explain that they faced a technical hurdle that they have tried hard to overcome but have not been able to.

Despite our best efforts and exploring every possible avenue over, we’ve unfortunately encountered unforeseen technical issues that mean it will be impossible for us to release the game on Wii U as initially planned.

For anyone that backed the project on Kickstarter you have three options; request to change to a different console (Xbox One or PS4), request a refund or wait to see about the intended Switch release.

Playtonic has stated they are working with Nintendo to get it working on the Switch and will announce details in early January (perhaps after the unveiling).

If you want a refund email [email protected] and they will be able to assist.

The FAQ also confirmed that anyone that backed a digital copy will be able to switch to a retail one and they will announce more details soon.

In brighter news, a new video was also released today and an official release date was set -April 11th.

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