ZombiU Gamescom Trailer

Posted 16 Aug 2012 at 14:32 by Aaron Clegg
Ubisoft has been in attendance at Gamescom this year, and took along one its primary Wii U titles to show off to European press. The publisher also released a new trailer for ZombiU, which reconfirmed its exclusivity on Nintendo's new system.
ZombiU sets itself apart from modern gory shoot 'em ups by placing a key emphasis on survival. You'll have to survive for as long as you can in a zombie-infested London, picking up all manner of handy loot and weapons along the way. If you die, you'll respawn somewhere else as a new survivor, without any of the items you had previously acquired (though you can track down your former character's place of death and loot their loot, as it were).
ZombiU is due to release in the Wii U launch window.