
Preview: Driven

Okay, movie to game titles usually aren't even worth the look (except for the upcoming Die Hard titles!), but considering the low amount of releases of F1 games for GameCube, I'm willing to overlook it. Although this is yet another port of a PS2 game, the game is looking and running smoothly enough. What I am hoping for is not anther half-assed port from a PS2 game here. Okay, so here is the actual game's content.

As everyone probably already knows, this game possesses the vocal “talent” of Sylvester Stallone, who, funnily enough, stars in the movie too. Along with his voice being lent to Driven, Greg Props of “Whose line is it anyway” fame joins the vocal cast. From the countless number of GC Driven previews I have read, they all seem to say these quotes are added in quite nicely. The other sounds are nothing to shout about, but do the job.

The games courses are looking impressive also. With courses ranging from sunny California, to the turn possessed track of Germany. You will race trough streets of oncoming traffic, walking pedestrians, and golden skyscrapers as you attempt to keep up with your rival in this adrenaline-fuelled racer. Not to say the graphics are very realistic. They're not. Hopefully the developers will use the GameCube's superior hardware to make this look even more fantastic.

One of major gripes people had with PS2 original was the clumsy controls. It strays from giving the F1 style controls that gamers wanted and instead feels like the controls from San Francisco Rush on a circuit of ice. Ouch. This could all be fixed for GameCube though, so let's cross our fingers.

There are some brilliant set pieces that look really cool. An F1 car will be speeding along quite quickly when BAM!!, its struck by another car, and sent flying. Cool.

The different racing modes add more longevity to the game. These being Arcade, Story and Multiplayer. Arcade is quite self-explanatory, race along top-speed, as you would do in an arcade. Story follows the story of the movie, tying scenes from the movie in as you play Sly, speeding your way through course after course of utter F1 mayhem.

Overall, the game looks quite exciting. But with the mixed reviews of the Ps2 version, it looks like much work needs to be done to make this a killer, must-have title. No doubt that F1 fans will get this anyway, and people who played and liked the PS2 original will most likely purchase this upon its release in a few months time. Ultimately, work needs to be done, but if the problems are taken care of, this could be in monopoly position for a while until competition comes around. Which could be a while.

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