Preview: Galleon: Islands of Mystery

From the creator of Tomb Raider, Toby Gard, comes Galleon, an adventure that you just know with Toby's track record, will feature characters that will almost definitely make their mark on gaming, with character modelling being nigh on perfect and the grand opening of an epic to remember. Move over Lara Croft, and all hail the almighty Captain Rhama!!

First off, this is not a sequel of any sort to Tomb Raider, a common mistake made by readers. Another common misconception is that this is a pirate adventure, it isn't, Rhama is a captain, but the whole adventure takes place on the Island. Don't fret though, underwater sections are still present with great water effects, but you will very rarely go out to sea.

Galleon instead is a whole new adventure based on a widespread Island called Aqua that offers many breathtaking sceneries, magical moments and secrets within. Even at this quite early stage in development, the game is looking outstanding with fully animated environments and out stretching horizons just begging you to wonder off and explore. The game offers the player complete freedom to go wherever they want to go on the Island, creating a depth to the game that is very effective in adventures.

What's the aim of the game though? I hear you ask. Well, Captain Rhama stops off at Aqua Island to meet a Dr Rhelliano and is greeted by Jabez, Dr Rhellianos servant. Jabez is a charming gentleman who seems absolutely normal but, of course, he is far from normal. He's a sinister fellow who immediately tries to kill Rhama on a rigged falling bridge. Luckily our hero escapes from danger! So it's now up to you to follow Jabez and seek out who he is, why he tried to kill you and what he is planning to do. And so, the over-whelming epic begins and as you progress you will enter a more dark and strange world that leads to lies and mysteries to solve and behold.

So with the story set and the environment for you to set out in, the game brings you a very unique gaming style to experience, one that will most certainly make its mark on the gaming world. Remember how, in Zelda, you could jump off ledges by just running off them and hang on by walking slowly off them? Well these are just some of the actions you can pull off in Galleon by just using the control stick. Basically, Rhama is a very acrobatic, flexible guy; he can run, jump, swim, climb, swing and do belief-beggaring stunts just by the push of the analogue stick. Quite intriguing! You can do pretty much anything and moving into battles with this style in mind means they will be battles like no other you have ever experienced before!

Initially, battles take a page out of Zeldas book with its triggering system. By pressing 'X', enemies will be locked on to leaving the enemy in full view at all times and creating the greatest combat system tested. From this though comes Galleons ingenuity. By pressing 'A' to jump and 'B' to attack you can create limitless combos by manoeuvring the control stick in different ways as you attack. For example, pulling the stick back when attacking will produce a different attack than if you had pushed right or left. Many of these moves can be produced in one attack, stringing up ultimate combos to send your opponent flying - And all this is before you have possession of a sword! This simple premise means anyone can pick up and play but as you gain in experience you will gradually learn how to pull off the most impressive combos and gravity defying athletics.

It's not just you who can battle though, Galleon allows you to command actions from other characters, rather like in the up-coming game, Kameo. The feisty character known as Mihoko, packs a punch that you will be needing to assist you in your adventure once the numbers of opponents just become too much for good old Rhama to deal with. So how's this done you ask!? By the use of that intuitive C-Stick. By using this 'C-Stick' you can order Mihoko to attack someone! In the same way, you can assist Faith, the damsel in distress of the adventure, in reaching high ledges and anything that she can't do herself. Oh, its tough to be a hero isn't it! The 'C-Stick' is also useful in selecting weaponry, using healing items and examining objects without interrupting game play and having to search through menus, a welcome, handy feature, all which works well indeed giving new found depths to the control system.

So with all this in act, Galleon seems set to impress with an intriguing story, amazing characters and inventive game-play and battles. Keep your eye on it! We are!

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