Preview: GEIST

It seems most FPS games nowadays have some sort of stealth aspecthidden away somewhere. In most cases, stealth doesn't work very wellin first person games. But Geist is special, in the way that it takesfirst person stealth to a whole new level. You are a supernaturalbeing; a ghost if you will, who goes by the name of John Raimi. MrRaimi is a disease-control agent sent to investigate the mysteriousVolks Corporation. An unexpected turn in events sees you captured andexperimented on by said corporation - the experiment ripping your soulfrom your body. In this form, you explore the Volks building anddiscover the truth behind what Volks are really up to, and hopefullyreturn to your human form.


Being a spectre ain't all bad though. You have a unique ability toscare and possess any human or animal you come across, allowing you tomake use of their abilities to explore the compound and solve puzzlesor dispatch foes. This freedom in who you possess adds a lot offreedom to the game, so it looks to be a lot less linear than most FPSgames. If you possess a creature, you can access their unique skillsand abilities - even their memories! There are over a dozen'possess-able' creatures, from soldiers to dogs and even mice, whichmeans how you go about achieving your goals is entirely up to you.


But that's not all. As well as possessing living things, you can alsotake over inanimate objects such as fire extinguishers, lights andcomputers. Now, while obviously you can't break into a high securitybuilding while inside a fire extinguisher, you can possess theseobjects in order to scare humans, and therefore make it easier topossess them.

Obviously, you don't have to possess a body to benefit from theadvantages of your new form. As a ghost, not only are you invisible tohumans, but you can pass through cracks in walls and chain-link fenceswith ease.


The graphics look very impressive so far, a definite improvementcompared to last years E3. Even so, it's the gameplay you should beinterested in, as this looks set to be one scarily good title. Chuckin a multiplayer mode too, which also gives you the freedom to possessother beings (not quite sure how it'll work in multiplayer though) andyou've got yourself one highly innovative and interesting twist on theFPS genre.

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