Preview: Giftpia

An RPG without a host of weapons and monsters to fight? That's what Skip claim Giftpia is.

Your character, named Pockle is an irresponsible young lad, but at the age where he is ready to become an adult. Unfortunately he sleeps in and misses his coming of age ceremony. As such he shall forever be classed as a child. Of course, if he manages to have another coming of age ceremony, and if he actually attends it this time, then he can still pass into adulthood. The only problem with this is that the cost of the ceremony is a small fortune, and Pockle has no money. It's down to you to find a way for Pockle to get this money by interacting with the islands characters, and perhaps learn to take a little responsibility along the way.

There are dozens of things that Pockle can do, go fishing, listen to the radio or help out the locals. There are plenty of strange people on the island that need all manner of things doing for them, there's even a goat on the island who may well be of some use to you in your quest for cash, as well as a robot who wants to be a police officer. Quite odd!

Whilst there is a final goal with the game, to earn enough cash for your ceremony, the game attempts to leave it up to you as to how you do this. Unlike standard RPG's where you often have to obtain one item before you can move on to do the next thing, Giftpia is open. Obviously certain actions will make other things possible, but the aim is to allow you to do as you like. You also have to keep Pockle relatively healthy, making sure that he doesn't get hungry, and therefore too weak, and making sure he gets enough sleep to keep the sleep ghosts away!

The game uses cel-shading, and it's a look that appears to suit the title. The island and it's inhabitants are given plenty of character by their bold appearance.

Giftpia is an intriguing game, taking elements of Animal Crossing with the interaction with the townsfolk, but then you are also driven by the need for money. As long as the tasks that Pockle has to take on are fun, this could be a really worthwhile gaming experience.

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