Preview: GoldenEye: Rogue Agent
Posted 09 Oct 2004 at 04:14 by Tim Symons
Today Cube-Europe attended a GoldenEye: Rogue Agent press showing. The game's producer lead us through the game and told us all about it, right down to the last detail. Following are some short impressions and movies showcasing in-game footage of the game!
In short, the story is as follows: You are an MI6 agent banned from the operation because of reckless brutality. You are not James Bond. In fact, in the first mission you play alongside James Bond, and your actions lead to his death. Then M throws you out of MI6, so you join up with Goldfinger. Later in the game, you find out the game was just a simulator, and you didn't actually kill James Bond. "James Bond can't be killed. That is just a fact of life," said the producer.

In level two, you are introduced to the “omen device”, which is the super-weapon within the game. Also in this level, Goldfinger tells you his plans to overthrow Dr. No and rule the criminal underworld.
Whilst playing the game, you will notice you can act much more brutal than James Bond. You can slap, kick, torture, push people from buildings, build death-traps, and even use people as live shields. Doing all this increases your rogue score, which unlocks new elements in the game.
Four special eye features are also available, which give you special super power for a certain amount of time. The features have to be earned throughout the game. The first eye feature allows you to see through walls. This allows you to be more predatory in your play style. The second eye feature is called force, which freezes your opponent. This gives you the ability to kill him any way you like. Shield, the third eye feature, allows you to reflect bullets. Hack is the fourth eye feature and allows you hack computers and other items needed to make progress in the game.

The graphics of GoldenEye are slick, but not as impressive as the screens might let you believe. We were shown a preview version, but still, the release is quite near. Also, the bodies disappear immediately after making a kill. However, the producer said this was because EA is trying to earn a low age rating.
EA tried to make the game feel like the N64 version of GoldenEye. Have they succeeded? I think they got close, but they're not quite there yet. In my opinion, EA has added too many gadgets and extras in the game for it to be a nice straight-out shooter like the original game. Nevertheless, the game plays quick and solid. EA might have a triple-A title on its hands, but so far we doubt it. We will let you know our final thoughts as soon as we get our hands on review code.
Now we would like to invite you to watch the movies available for download exclusively at Cube-Europe. The first movie shows off a fantastic trailer for GoldenEye, including a lot of in-game footage. The second movie features the game's producer talking us through the single-player game. The third movie shows off some multi-player action. Oh, and this last movie also features a shameless plug for the upcoming CD of Tim's band. Enjoy!