Preview: Odama : with Microphone

When people think Nintendo they think all about great creative genius, and this game is just another example of this originality. Now let me just say that if you get confused at any point during this hands on report, then its all because this is one of those 'play to believe' kind of games but certainly one that provides an immense amount of fun contrary to doubts.

Odama at heart is a pinball game, yet it's a war game, and also a strategy game at the same. Is it possible to mix these three types of games together? Will it work? Well let me say yes on both counts, this is one addictive game that once you start, you will not be able to stop until you have completed the level ahead of you, what's more with this game, it takes a lot of self will to finally give up seeing as it wasn't exactly difficult in losing lives as it was tricky to master the tasks at hand, let me explain…


The idea of the game (or at least the first level) is to get your cannon ball, or as it is otherwise known as, your Odama, to the other end of the field to hit the enemies leader right on the head and make him collapse in a pile of pain. It may sound quite easy, but there are many factors which can prevent you from reaching your goal. The level I played involved me having to get my small men, who are carrying a very large ladder, to the far end of the field and place the ladder down so when you hit the ball at it, it then rolls up it and lands smack on the bad guys noggin. There are a few things that may stop you. Firstly there are two rivers in the way of the ladder men. These dastardly annoying rivers not only stop your men from getting to their final destination and their goal but they also deter your Odama as well, hitting the dam and release the water at the wrong time will wash away the ladder or stop you even hitting the Odama further than half way up the level. The next thing that can ruin the game for you are the nasty general's army. They will happily attack your army stopping them in their tracks and also you getting to the end, some well placed shots with your Odama sorts them out.

There is more to your Odama than just flattening your foes army, if you become skilled enough and manage to power up your mighty cannonball then you can capture your enemy's men. The added bonus of this is that you can then release them as your own men for your assist. But wait, there's more! A second player can get in on the action by taking your men for a walk, instead of the computer making the decision on where to go. Your friend, or you by commanding your friend like a real Emperor, can decide on which direction they will take.


I won't explain how you get to the end, but trust me, it is very tricky and you need nerves of steel to get the job done, just one misplaced shot can destroy your whole mission and have you starting from scratch, ironically this is what makes the game keep you playing in desperate denial that this time, you'll crack it.

Now you may think what made somebody come up with the idea of creating this type of game. Well clearly they were on the same drugs which convinced Mr Miyamoto to wear a Link outfit at E3. Now this doesn't mean it's a bad thing. For example, look at the cheering reception Shigsy got when he appeared on stage. This game is going to be a cracker, so make sure that if you don't buy it, you at least play it. We'll have more on Odama when we get our hands on it again.

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