Preview: Pitfall: The Lost Expedition

It's with a sad tear in our eye's that we say farewell to Pitfall Harry, and with a happy wave and a smile that we say hello to Pitfall: The Lost Expedition.

The game was a huge success on the Atari 2600, with (at the time) amazing looking scenery, fearless croc leaping, and Indiana Jones style fun. This time round though, the action has been brought into the 3D realm, boasting much bigger and better graphics and worlds than ever before. Even the controls have been updated for the new age of Pitfall. Rather than just your usual run, jump and whip buttons that you may have found before, they have introduced so much more. For starters both analogue sticks are utilized throughout. This is known as Direct Control, and is very ingenious. The left hand stick is used to control Harry, as in his movement, and the right hand stick is used to control his upper body. Strange as it may seem but the upper body control is used for battling Harry's deadly foes. So let's say he's out for a little jog and all of a sudden out pops a snake. Well just tap the right stick in the relevant direction and bang! BBQ snake ribs.

Well what brings Harry on this very dangerous case? Well I will tell you. It's a very complicated story all about how Harry has to find this very sacred, magical and dangerous treasure. So dangerous in fact that it could destroy the whole world as we know it, if it was to fall in to the wrong hands that is. Ok so it's not all that complicated but I am sure that once you get into it, the story will fold out a bit better.

These days, adventurers don't travel light as Harry proves in this game. With him is his trusty brown backpack which he carries around with him every where. This gorgeous backpack is full of goodies which Harry can use for solving puzzles. One such remarkable piece of hardware is the common torch. Whoopee I hear you shout with false enthusiasm, but wait there's more, using one of the right analogue sticks, he moves the torch in the direction pressed. Similar to how Luigi did in Luigi's mansion. One other interesting addition to his backpack is his inner tube. Now I know your thinking, 'but why would Harry want to use his bicycle within the deepest darkest region of the Jungle' but it's not for that, ohh no no! It's for rafting. That's right folks, Pitfall Harry rafts down rivers using an inner tube. Not just rafting but also for falling down, umm sorry, gliding down snowy passes. When the inner tube is used for rafting, the special controls kick in once more. The right and left control sticks are used to move Harry's hands so you have to find the best way to use the sticks to get him moving.

There are these items and many more (including a pogo stick) at Harry's disposal but there are other things which may interest you. Harry can now learn heroic actions. One such action is the Quick Dash, which allows him to run faster to get from place to place, or to escape certain impending doom. There will be many more heroic actions for you to use throughout the game, but I'm not going to spoil it all for you, you just have to figure it out for yourself.

It looks like Pitfall: The Lost Expedition is shaping up quite nicely and should be suitable for all ages as it includes a rather unique, yet funny, sense of humour, so look out for this one coming to you a shop near you soon.

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