Preview: Product Number 03

Capcom are famed mainly for just two franchises: Resident Evil and Street Fighter. But lately, with a new-found partnership with Nintendo, Capcom has been branching into other areas of the Videogame industry. True, the only games that Capcom have released so far on the Nintendo Gamecube are Resident Evil and Street Fighter games, but that's all set to change somewhere in the not too distant future. Recently, Capcom announced 5 new titles that they are working on. They are: Viewtiful Joe, Dead Phoenix, Killer 7, Resident Evil 4 and Product Number 03. It is still uncertain as to whether these titles will be exclusive to the Nintendo Gamecube, but for now it appears as though they are. It doesn't get much better than that.

The obvious outstanding parameter of P.N.03 is the graphics. Although all three levels have so far looked quite samey, the intricacies of it all have been next to none. With beautiful fire effects, sleek curves (stop fantasizing) smooth surfaces and lighting effects to die for; P.N.03 is easily shaping up to be one of the best looking games ever made. Let's just hope that the gameplay reflects the graphics, and that Nintendo has yet another high-class exclusive title to boast about.

Little is known about possibly the most promising of The Capcom 5, as they are now affectionately known, except that it is a TPS (Third-Person Shooter). You play Vanessa Schneider, a hit-lady for hire, and you shoot things. Lots of things. And basically, that's all that is known about the gameplay side of things. Headed-up by Shinji Mikama – creator of Resident Evil – you can expect some beautiful graphics, some hair-raising predicaments and sadly some static gameplay, if previous experience is to be gone by. One element of the game that has been introduced but which is much shrouded is the colour-coding scheme. Three levels have so far been shown, and in each level Vanessa Z (yes, that's her other name) has worn three different coloured outfits. Intriguing to say the least, but something that could be integral to the way the game works, feels and ultimately plays.

So can Capcom really take another road in gaming other than the ones lead them to either button-bashing fighters or brain-dead zombie shooters? Hopefully Capcom can bring something fresh to Gamecube as so far they've only managed to release Capcom Vs SNK2EO and Resident Evil games, whereas the PS2 has been getting such hits as Devil May Cry 2, Clock Tower 3, Auto Modellista and Onimusha. While it is true that Capcom is very much alive on the GBA – with such hits as Mega Man, Four Swords and Super Ghouls and Ghosts – the GCN is lacking in Capcom love. But with The Capcom 5 on the way, that is all set to change, as all 5 are looking very promising indeed.

Look out for an update when further information is released.

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