Preview: The Italian Job

The Italian Job used to be a British movie starring Michael Caine, a comedy crime caper with one of the best endings in cinema history, and truly quotable lines. It was also set in Italy, hence the title. Now, however, the movie has been remade, it's an action movie featuring an American cast. And it's set in LA. The Italian Job, set in LA. Okay? This game, from Eidos, is based, rather loosely, on the latter movie.

The plot of the 2003 movie sees Charlie Croker having been ripped off in Venice. Hence he sets off to LA to wreak vengeance on those that betrayed you. In gaming terms that translates to driving around LA in an attempt to create a large traffic jam.

Basically, The Italian Job is a driving game. The courses in the game vary from the streets of LA, to golf courses, and even storm drains. Whilst doing this you will be pursued by the police, so you'll have to keep your speed up to avoid being caught. This appears to be the idea behind story mode, which is just one of four play modes featured in the game. Other modes are circuit racing, multi-player, and stunt mode. Unfortunately it appears that the multi-player will only support two players.

As in the movies, you'll be racing in Mini Coopers, though 9 other vehicles will be available. A realistic damage model is in place, so as you take bumps your car will become deformed, and you could well lose a few pieces. The handling of the cars is also designed to be as exhilarating as possible.

The circuits feature plenty of ramps and slopes to give the opportunity to gain 'airtime' giving you more points, as you sail through the skies before landing. Extra points are also awarded for going through some of the scenery, such as traffic cones or the tables outside a café, Slight bumps with other cars (probably major crashes too, but this would severely hamper you chances of completing the circuit) flash up 'crash' in red, so they aren't smiled upon. The surroundings are quite detailed, with trees and building visible in the background, clouds in the sky and the like. Other circuits, such as one which appears to be in the Metro train network confine space, meaning you'll have to make the most of overtaking opportunities.

The game also gives you the chance to open up special bonus features, such as movie footage and concept art.

This isn't the first incarnation of The Italian Job in game form, it was previously a very enjoyable arcade game, which was well received on the Playstation. If the spirit of that can be converted to this version of the game, then it could be a worthwhile, fun racing game. However, the lack of a four player mode is frowned upon, and a clear sign that the title was developed with the PS2 in mind. This can be forgiven if the circuits are large, and feature plenty of short cuts, and if the car handling is up to scratch, it may be worth a look.

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