Preview: The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
Posted 26 Dec 2006 at 01:22 by Wildo
Four years does seem like a long time to wait for a game, but when it's as gorgeous looking as this game, it simply doesn't matter. Not to mention the fact that we knew nothing about this very drastic (but very much appreciated) change.

The Legend of Zelda, as it is so far called (and not the Wind Waker 2), is a brand new Zelda game and not a remake of the original as some people may have thought. As we all know very, very well, this Zelda title is in glorious 3D and not in the cartoony, but fun, Cell shaded style of the Wind Waker.
As seen in the stunning video, TLoZ is set once again in a much dryer Hyrule than seen in previous incantations, and boy does it look good. We have seen multiple enemies all lined on up the horizon with the sun gradually setting and glazing a glow of desire and love within our hearts all ready for Link to come along and poke his lovely Master Sword through them in his belief beggaring gorgeous new look. We also see the entrance to a creepy looking castle and what with all the stunning lighting going on we almost miss Link riding on his horse from the impeccable glare.

For a while after The Wind Waker was shown to the Zelda adoring fans, there was a lot of criticism about it, and a hell of a lot of complaints about Nintendo failing us and not listening to what the public has to say. Well this new recent unveiling has slapped a lot of people right between the eyes, and damn it, it has made us all cry. No, these aren't tears of pain and sorrow, but tears of joy. It is what EVERYBODY has been longing for, even if they did like The Wind Waker. Most requests in the next Zelda title were for:
- 1. A mature looking Link.
- 2. Realistic graphics.
- 3. Epona.
- 4. And lastly for the game to be set back in the Ocarina of Time, timeline.
Now The Legend of Zelda has provided us with at least 3 of these things, we have the mature Link, back in Hyrule from the Ocarina of Time era and the graphical style we've been dying so long for. I hear you cry 'but what about Epona', well let me tell you, we do see Link on a horse riding into the lush beautiful scenery of Hyrule, but whether it is Epona or not is something we are yet to find out.
Another great feature is the addition of the musical score from the Ocarina of Time, which, it must be said, is greatly accepted by myself and I'm sure it will be accepted by the millions and millions of Link's fans.

When it comes down to the fight system we here at CE are not overly sure on how it's going to work, but we can only hope that Nintendo keep listening to the fans and keep the same targeting system as in previous games, that is of course, the enemy targeting. It's a very efficient and easy way of handling those evil baddies (who look immensely more intimidating than ever, I must note) keeping them off your back and in sight let alone making gameplay a thousand times more fun. So for now we can just hope for more information on this as it comes but for now, lets us hope, nay, let us pray that they keep this beloved targeting system of ours, and forever shall we enjoy the death we shall reign upon to the bad!
A new feature added within the game is when Link enters any un-revealed dungeons; the camera will now sweep back and over the top of Link and the dungeon. It sounds like the classic Zelda games way back when they were 2D. So you have a great top down view of Link running around until, dum dum dum! An evil one comes along. The camera then sweeps back down to behind link and allows you to attack the bad guy.

One also welcome addition is that Link is now able to attack enemies on horse back. Ok well yes, back in The Ocarina of Time you could fire arrows from your bow, but that was it. Now though you can actually use your sword to attack your enemies whilst you gallop around the beautifully designed fields on your trusty stead making nice swishy noises. The sheer thought of it is exciting enough.
So when do we expect to see this glorious piece of gaming genius, provided by none other than Nintendo? Well let me tell you all that we know. So far it is just scheduled for a 2005 release but I'm going to put my head out on a limb here (it's more hoping really) and I'm going to say late Q1 early Q2.

So there we go, the most gorgeous version of The Legend of Zelda ever seen by man, woman and child. Let's just hope it's not a real long wait, because I'm not sure if I could handle the stress of being away from this wonderful title. Now here is a question that will make you think till this game arrives on our shores. Is this an Ocarina of Time beater? We'll have a more comprehensive preview when more is known, for now, drool away at the video and screens, just don't drool on your keyboard.