Preview: Timesplitters 2

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Over the past few years we've seen some great games, in fact some outstanding games but nothing in the first-person shooter genre has particularly stood out except two. The first being Halo, but we won't go into that as Microsoft have all ready got their grubby little mitts on that one. More important though is the crazy yet brilliant Timesplitters on the PlayStation2. Thankfully, the makers Free Radical Design have kept an open mind, and after much delay finally announced a GameCube version of the phenomenal looking Timesplitters2.

Timesplitters2 is coming from the team that brought us the Bond classic GoldenEye. I've finally caught your attention I see, well there's more- its going to be better. Ok, I don't care that you think I'm lying but I can tell you now, from experience of the excellent original this game has the potential to be better. With a new, interesting story allowing the developers more freedom in the game's design it has the ingredients to thrash the living daylights out of the Bond classic, but could Bond only live twice and strike back? No, no and thrice no. Timesplitters2 has a co-operative mode, so there's two people anyway, and even Bond can't beat two Gingerbread men. Yes, you did read that correctly, gingerbread men. Where Bond had to stick with men in tuxedos or green army suits, Timesplitters2 has the opportunity to allow for outlandish characters, and that does include gingerbread men and monkeys. Crazy and weird stuff, only Free Radical Design could think this up (the company names suits, don't you think?)

Let me tell you a little more about the original first. Timesplitters was a launch title for the PS2 and was the only game I wanted, I had been hyped for months but I begun to believe maybe I was in for a disappointment. I read over 27 reviews and many, many previews but even all this hype was surpassed. Everything about the game was amazing, the lightening frame-rate, even maintained to a similar standard in four-player, the co-operative genius that was the story mode, an excellent challenge mode, frantic deathmatches and the original map-maker. It was a superb package with a great personality, from the 60-odd characters on offer you could play as Elvis, a Gingerbread man, a Rabbit and your typical Male soldier. Some were disappointed though.

The mapmaker didn't really offer enough diversity as there wasn't enough options and the levels couldn't be open or of a large size. Others moaned about the lacking story mode because there wasn't a story in the story mode. Some said the weapon variety could have been better, some weapons fired in exactly the same ways as others. There were other things that could have been improved but I'm sure you've heard enough about the original.

So does Timesplitters2 promise to be everything that the original could have been? Yes and then some. No one could have imagined what Free Radical Design has offered. Timesplitters2 will be the pinnacle of first-person shooters upon release, I can already tell that. I'll enlighten you on the matter so you can decide for yourselves.

There'll be 9 expansive levels in the Story mode, which will have an actual story. FRD have projected around 20 hours of gameplay before completion, but there'll be more than that. In the original you could complete the Easy in mode in a matter of hours, but on Hard you could almost stick a 0 on the end of that. The amount of times you'll die on each level before sailing through is very high; I tried Mansion a good many times, probably about 80 but never managed to complete it. So I expect the hard mode will take quite some time, but you're probably thinking that this will get repetitive? No it doesn't, the levels are thankfully extended on the harder levels to give you that little more to play for. There's also less rations and ammo, plus a whole horde of enemies more than before. Apart form that, the game seems fresh time after time, and even after 80 hours you'll be enjoying a romp through the levels. Whether this feature will be retained for Timesplitters2 isn't clear, but I really do doubt that it will not make it.

Anyway, there I go again. The 9 levels will include one much similar to Goldeneye's first level, the Dam. Other levels on offer will be a monkey-infested villa, a wild-west level featuring gun-toting cowboys and a gangster themed level for anyone who wants to act out the scenes of the Godfather. But the level will probably contain a few too many gangsters for an accurate representation. Ok, just forget the Godfather thing, you'll be able to blow lots of gangsters away with two double barrel shotguns.

Even better is that there'll be more diverse and have a little more depth than before. The collect the object and leave days are gone, we're promised decent objectives including setting alight cabinets with a flame-thrower. There'll also be cameras to spot you and more turrets to take you out, adding another level to the concentration levels require to proceed. This certainly sounds promising and could make the story mode that much better, into classic status.

The best factor of the story mode will be the ability to co-operate with a friend throughout these treacherous levels. One of you will look after one side of the room while the other explores the other, disposing of any foe along the way. You'll communicate and become one during play, making sure ammo and health is given to the most needing player. It'll be great with the new objectives in the story mode, and the actual story will give added purpose, giving an even greater sense of complete immersion. You and a friend or brother should be anticipating this feature; it will be absolutely superb.

The story mode will be supported by cut-scenes this time, telling you what to do and where to go. They'll be wonderfully presented and will hopefully be direct and to the point. It should help bring the game to a new height of pleasure. Some people need a purpose too; some people just hate playing for the sakes of playing. Others will be pleased to here that throughout the missions you'll be given mission updates meaning new surprising objectives, much like Goldeneye.

Some just don't like to co-operate or save mankind, they'd rather kill everyone and everything. They're mindless gamers who like partying and utilising all of the GameCube's four ports. Timesplitters2 is perfect for anyone like that, or craves the golden multiplayer ages of old (Goldeneye) once again.

Expect a good 18 levels to base your multiplayer campaigns upon, half story and half multiplayer specific. There'll be a whole feast of modes and options to customise your frag fests so don't worry about lack of depth. If the levels on offer don't suit your tastes then just make your own, putting little secrets to give you an unfair advantage over your amateur friends.

There'll be at least 10 bots, maybe more, to support up to four players so times become frantic. Spice up the fun with teams and destructive weapons like the mighty rocket launcher and the obligatory flame-thrower. Or maybe you'd rather have a battle of wits with a sniper rifle each? Maybe you want to take the more skilled approach and have ten maximum level bots against you and a friend? Or take on wave after wave after wave of enemies in the Last Stand mode, which will be very challenging indeed. Options are aplenty and the variety on offer is almost endless, with you and three other friends the fun is almost limitless.

The challenge mode will make a welcome return too. Unlike the Original's rollercoaster difficulty level, with some levels taking 20, 30 or even 40 times and others just taking the once, expect a more evened out learning curve, progressively getting harder. Challenges will be as innovative and original too, hopefully including some brick throwing levels to smash windows and shooting numerous zombies heads off within a certain time limit. I predict some flame-throwing orientated levels too, maybe to burn 50 filing cabinets in 3 minutes? Who knows, but expect some crafty challenges that will test your patience, skill and determination to the max.

If that wasn't enough an amazing mapmaker will be included to put TS2 far ahead of the rest. Are 9 story levels not enough? Make your own with cameras, patrolling guards and keys. Hopefully we'll be able to place exploding crates, filing cabinets and watermelons too. In effect, you could make your own game. Like the original you'll be able to set the lighting, select pulsing crimson lights or complete and utter darkness, the choice is yours. You'll be able to place every single weapon, health pick-up and armour as well as where your player will spawn. You'll be able to choose from a variety of themes, do you want a gothic church, an alien spaceship or an industrial themed level? It really is up to you. Also promised is the chance to make larger levels, something desperately needed in the original. The mapmaker is promising everything you could hope for, making this terribly good value for money.

A plus side of the original was it's standard setting controls. One analogue stick to strafe and move forwards or backwards, while the other analogue stick let you look left, right up and down. While this may sound confusing it really does work, movement is incredibly fluent and aiming is as good as it gets on a console. Triggers will probably be used for primary and secondary fire whilst other buttons will cover crouch, manual aim and weapon change. I have also heard Free Radical Design are going to be accounting for anyone who loved Goldeneye's control scheme, so hopefully that'll make it into the game.

There'll be a whole host of character's, expect Western ones, futuristic cyborgs, the undead, comedy characters such as the monkey and hopefully the return of the Gingerbread man and we'll be seeing an array of other various characters. This time though, characters have more than just aesthetical appearances. According to Free Radical Design plumper characters will waddle a little more and run slower, while shorter, thinner characters will be harder to hit due to their added athleticism. Although not much has been revealed about this little feature it sounds promising, a bit like a developed version of Jaws and that little git from the Goldeneye game.

The weapons on offer will be of a high number much like the originals. However, more concentration will go into how each gun fires, as some were just different in look. Secondary and Primary firing functions will be more distinguished and expect some new surprises from the weaponry too. Anyone who liked the mines from Goldeneye will love the inclusion of proximity, remote and timed mines. There'll be the aforementioned flame-thrower and rocket launcher, as well as a grenade launcher and a load of machine guns. The return of the brick would also be welcomed, but also expect many sci-fi weapons and pistols giving a great all-round package of weapons.

The enemy AI will also be much improved. Expect them to roll around, shoot nearby explosive crates and run to the alarm. Some will run at you like a madman while others will just duck for cover, firing now and again. They won't be so dumb; you'll be faced with more of a challenge. The arcade bots will be extremely intelligent, being much harder to kill than before. They'll be more athletic and organic, and much less robotic. There'll probably be better aims too, as well as more smoothed out.

Amazingly, Free Radical Design are looking into scanning digital photos of your friends to use for the character's faces! Originally planned for Perfect Dark, and implemented, it was taken out when the members that formed Free Radical Design left. Though that was using the less sophisticated GameBoy Camera. This could be a feature, and if it is, will be the best thing since sliced bread.

Graphically Timesplitters2 will be a feast to the eyes with wonderful effects, a blistering frame-rate and some of the best character models around. When shot, and killed, friend or foe will fall to the ground convincingly and according to how they were killed. A bunch of effects like bursting a watermelon, flaming filing cabinets and particles effects that'll come from the nozzle of your futuristic weapons will be exemplary. The scenery will look exquisite, with improved draw-distances and more detailed environments. The variety of graphics will be great too, as the game goes from an ancient history all the way into the 25th century.

Expect the sound to be even better too, although the music in the original was nice, expect more selective music and crisp, clean sound effects. Voice acting will probably be improved too in order to support cut-scenes and produce a better atmosphere for the game.

So is that all there is to Timesplitters2? No, you can set people alight, and if you are yourself, just go and find a nearby fire extinguisher or a well-placed pool of water to douse the flames (just make sure there aren't any proximity mines there). There's just so much that Timesplitters2 will offer. It's this diversity, complexity and variation that will make Timesplitters2 a cut above the rest, instead of another run-of-the-mill First-Person Shooter. It has original aspects to it, and has a great uniqueness about it.

Timesplitters2 looks set to surpass the original in every way, shape or form. It will hopefully set the standard for all First-Person Shooters to come and many will be enjoying it. Whether the online play will make it who knows, but there must be a reason for Free Radical's six month delay. In my research I also found their site advertising for someone, someone that will be involved with online gaming. In fact, if this lives up to expectations, it could become the best game on every format. Expect great things, this will be marvellous. James who?

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