Preview: Tube Slider

Tube Slider instantly found itself on top of every racing fan's “to buy” list for its fast gameplay and spectacular graphics. The game is being developed by NdCube (the publishing will be handled by NEC) and has the advantage of an earlier release date than the similar F-Zero. NdCube is a new company that very few of you have probably ever heard of, and rightfully so. Although this is the first project of the recently created business, NdCube certainly doesn't lack talent or experience. It's a joint corporation composed of Nintendo and Dentsu Corporation (hence the name) that was originally supposed to take care of F-Zero, which was later handed down to Sega's Amusement Vision, the guys in charge of the successful Super Monkey Ball series. But enough information on the company, let's talk about the game.

Using 15 different types of hover-crafts you will have the chance to cruise on one of the 10 tracks (hopefully they'll add more by the time the game is released) with up to four of your friends. All the typical futuristic-racer enhancements are there, power ups, turbo etc. What's really amazing is the graphics, although they are extremely alike to the visuals in F-Zero, one has to think that this game, in fact, was supposed to be F-Zero for the GameCube. Everything is so colourful and lucid that you actually feel as if you were sliding in these…tubes.

That's exactly what they are, and you absolutely can't consider them typical tracks. This title really captivates the essence of futuristic-racing. “Tube-sliding” goes incredibly fast, and gives you the possibility to live exhilarating races with your friends or with the computer. The sensation can be compared to the one you can get in water parks (and I've fortunately been in some lovely ones in the USA) in those water slides that curve and drop all over the place. The paths are going to be very amusing to race on, riding on top of the ceiling and the wall for example, is possible, and opens up a whole new way of surpassing your opponents.

The big question on everyone's mind is: does it beat F-Zero? Well, in my opinion, they are equally great games but F-Zero is in many ways the game that excels in many sectors. Tube Slider looks great but F-Zero has superior graphics, in the sense of better-designed tracks and vehicles (look at the screenshots, if you haven't already). This isn't the only drawback for NdCube's game; F-Zero also includes a track editor, third and first person perspective, and the possibility to trade information, using memory cards, with its arcade counterpart. In conclusion, if you just can't wait to get your hands on a high-speed racer then go with Tube Slider. If you're patient enough to wait, then go with F-Zero, which should be released at the end of this year.

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