Preview: Unity

I read somewhere recently that the Gamecube doesn't get quite as much recognition as the PS2 because it is deemed to be aimed more towards youngsters. This troubled me, but what annoyed me more was that I went on reading to discover that 'the Gamecube doesn't have quite as many big titles coming in the future as the PS2 or X-Box'. I would have voluntarily stopped reading there, but it turns out that was the last sentence anyway. As we all know, the Gamecube is getting just as many if not more big name exclusive titles, and Unity is here to prove just that.

Unity is just one of many exclusive titles heading towards Gamecube, and yet again, like so many promising titles, little is known about it. What we do know however is extremely tantalising indeed. Perhaps what's most promising of all is the fact that two of the biggest names in the gaming industry are behind it. Peter Molyneux of Lionhead Studios, the company behind the incredible smash-hit PC God-sim Black & White, and Jeff Minter. For those who don't know, Jeff Minter is one of the forefathers of game development in Britain, and with his company Llamasoft has been designing and producing games since the days of the Commodore 64, with one of their most recent titles being Tempest 2000. These two men are responsible for deep, immersing gameplay and high levels of addiction, and the joining of two such people can only be a good thing.

However it is early days for Unity. Recently, Jeff Minter commented on Unity, and had this to say: '[Unity is] a fabulous journey through a succession of beautiful abstract 3D spaces, with gameplay varying in tempo, from fast-paced shooting to a more gentle progression. Audio effects will be closely linked with the game's pace and tempo, and will be an integral part of the playing experience.' Now correct me if I'm wrong, but this sounds incredibly original, and could be a pioneering game in a brand new genre, which I like to call 'Audio-influenced' (I'm coining that). However, for the meantime, all were stuck with is a few static screens and the above quotation to show us anything about the game at all. But you can be safe in the knowledge that this game is going to be revolutionary stuff, and you can be glad that it's exclusive to the Gamecube. Expect more on Unity in the coming months, and look out for an update on this very preview as the info is released.

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