Preview: Vexx

Mario isn't the only contender for best platform game. A lovely little fella called Vexx has decided to become the greatest platform adventure ever. Unlike some platform games though, Vexx has attitude and wants to evolve the genre into a more complex, immersive and challenging place. A little more emphasis on throwing in mini-games for more than one-player and a little twist that will ooze nostalgic value. Vexx, as it sounds, is looking absolutely awesome.

The primary screens of Vexx have been quite revealing. Taking a dark look, Vexx is quite stunning to the eye. While it is dark the platformer trait has been held, a little cutesy…just with a twist.

Vexx will be employing an original combat method with more leanings towards the Street Fighter series than bouncing off someone's head. This is the way Vexx will evolve the platform genre; a new combat scheme never (successfully) pulled off before. Combos will be included so expect a good amount of variation in Vexx and will hopefully be the first of its respected genre, not to get a little repetitive after the 20th level. A worrying point is that Vexx may lose the immediacy appeal that many platform games hold, and may just be a case of doing the most powerful move repeatedly. This could be a downfall but will hopefully be successful, and it might even bring new followers of the platform genre with it.

Another factor of the game is the day to night system, which is becoming more and more popular amongst game developers. The day to night system will have a big impact on the game, but is done really well via the use of a sundial. Vexx simply moves the sundial a little and the day transists to night time or vice versa. This will allow a quick change between night and day but this is entirely necessary. You'll need to attack certain foe at particular times of the day and some foes appear at night while others prefer the sun to glisten off their face. It's a good idea that sounds fitting for Vexx, let's hope that Acclaim takes full advantage over the possibilities on offer.

Vexx will thankfully contain six worlds of huge proportions to traverse. Expect to see the traditional slidey-ice levels, along with a fire-based and jungle-based world. Within these worlds you'll be able to find smaller, hidden worlds and also hidden are some multiplayer games to play with up to 4 people. It certainly doesn't sound like a small game, and hopefully Acclaim won't go down the road of making the game pathetically easy.

The sound and music are promised to be quite special. The lighting and character models already look great from early screens released and the sound promises to be quite good, hopefully including great voice acting and some atmospheric themed music.

Provided that good camera-angles are in the finished game of Vexx, the combat system is really something new and that the graphics are solid throughout Vexx already looks set to become a great platformer. However, if the game is made too easy and becomes an “aimed at kids” product it will probably be awful. On the contrary, the story doesn't sound like it's aimed at kids and this is the team releasing Turok Evolution. Fingers crossed that this becomes the Mario beater we're all hoping for.

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