Hurry Up Hedgehog

Review: Hurry Up Hedgehog

DS Review

"...players can tactically move their team sideways in their race to the finish so as to block others, and cause pile-ups."

Oxygen Games provides the DS with this puzzler, involving everyone's favourite garden animal. The title is cute in design and is obviously aimed at children. Nevertheless, the puzzle itself (based on the popular German board game Igel Ärgern or "Hedgehogs in a Hurry") can get addictive.

Simply described, each player must move their hedgehogs across a garden, divided up into a grid of squares - there are six lanes, nine spaces long. The garden has obstacles including mud pits, and players can tactically move their team sideways in their race to the finish so as to block others, and cause pile-ups.

The title is described as a "brainteaser for all ages", for while the game will require some tactics to play, it can be picked up by, and is indeed aimed at, the younger generation.

As for multiplayer, while you can play by yourself, the title is more fun with others via wireless DS Download Play; up to six people can play together.

While there are several maps and five ways to customise the rules, the likelihood is that once you have found the settings you prefer the most, you'll stick to them, making options very limited. There are no other modes/additional features to the game, though navigating the menus just for the existing ones is a little tricky - with largerly pictorial-based menus, when you first switch on the title you're often not sure what you're clicking on until you've clicked it.

The title is available for a budget price (available in the UK for £19.99), and if you have a tendency to get hooked on such titles this may be worth a purchase (and admittedly, the hedgehogs are rather cute).

N-Europe Final Verdict

One for the younger members of the family or those of you who think hedgehogs rule.

  • Gameplay3
  • Playability3
  • Visuals2
  • Audio3
  • Lifespan2
Final Score



Everyone likes hedgehogs
Sixplayer multiplayer
If you get hooked on the game you'll like it


If you don't get hooked on the game, you won't!
Nothing more than the one basic game

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