Review: Learn with Pokémon: Typing Adventure

Posted 19 Sep 2012 at 09:22 by Ashley Jones
In my review for Pokémon Conquest I spoke about how the Pokémon spin-offs fall into one of numerous categories, and Learn with Pokémon: Typing Adventure certainly falls into the 'odd' category.
Previous typing games have proven to be an enjoyable way to improve your typing abilities, with titles such as Typing of the Dead offering fun and learning in one package. The idea behind Learn with Pokémon: Typing Adventure is a good one, although it is still a very odd idea.
The basic premise of the game is given away in the title; capture Pokémon using the packed-in keyboard. There are various approaches, such as typing in the full name, defending yourself by tapping away at certain keys or just by simply being quick enough, but the basic premise remains consistent.
It certainly works well enough, although I am unsure who the game is designed for. As a learning tool it is fine, although as a real test of typing it is problematic as the supplied keyboard is smaller than your standard desktop one. Presuming the target audience is children then this isn't an issue, but anyone with full sized hands may find that Learn with Pokémon: Typing Adventure takes some getting used to.
As with other titles in the series, particularly the spin-offs, the characters all have corny names (such as Paige Down) and the far-fetched story (you and Paige are novice typists rising the ranks and researching Pokémon by typing their names) probably won't grip you. However, it is all just there to provide flesh to the gameplay mechanic that forms the skeleton.
You progress through the game steadily, being asked to type more letters within the Pokémons' names until you have to type the full name. You are scored on your speed and accuracy, with the former requiring a lot of Pokémon knowledge in order to do well. In each level, designed to a key on the keyboard, you can get a bronze, silver or gold medal. In some instances you need a certain amount of medals to progress to more levels, in others it is purely for the sake of having a higher score.
Learn with Pokémon: Typing Adventure starts off easily enough, only having to type one letter at a time, but soon you are challenged to not only type quickly but also remember the names of each of the Pokémon. The learning curve in Learn with Pokémon: Typing Adventure goes uphill quite rapidly. This either results in an enjoyable challenge or a frustrating one, it depends on how well you handle the stress and just how well you know Pokémon.
That being said, it is better that this game actually challenges you rather than simply allows you to make your way through without really putting any work in. For those that like collecting, there are medals to earn and high scores to beat, but for everyone else just getting through the game will provide enough of a challenge.
Learn with Pokémon: Typing Adventure certainly is an odd concept. Given that the supplied keyboard only really works for this game (or others with a built-in bluetooth chip but that pretty much just leaves this one) it seems like a lot of effort has been put into one title.
For Japanese children, presumably the initial target audience, it makes sense as they can learn to type in English. Their English counterparts may too get enjoyment out of it, but it may end up being purchased by fans of the franchise rather than kids wanting to prepare themselves for the life of an office worker.
That being said, the supplied keyboard is admirable. It is small enough to be compact but not too small to cause cramp (unless your hands are particularly large) and looks very nice. If you have a bluetooth device that you want a keyboard for, it may be worthwhile getting Learn with Pokémon: Typing Adventure for the supplied keyboard alone
The game itself is enjoyable and a welcome break from the norm, but the supplied keyboard is something you may well be using for a lot longer. In fact, as a testament to the keyboard, this whole review has been written using it. Having written all this in one go, and editing it later on, I can say that typing is much more enjoyable than any touch screen I have used.
Overall I would recommend this game for die-hard fans, or if you think your children (or younger relatives) would want an enjoyable way to become familiar with keyboards. Given that the national curriculum involves IT from a young age it is perhaps not as necessary for learning as it may have been in the past, as today's children seem quite proficient with typing from a young age.
Learn with Pokémon: Typing Adventure's mass market appeal is probably going to be small but the fact it has been released in Europe shows many things have changed since I was young enough to benefit from a game such as Learn with Pokémon: Typing Adventure.
What may be less forgivable is the puns. The many, many puns.
N-Europe Final Verdict
It is a weird mix between a game and an education tool, but enjoyable as the former and potentially useful as the latter. Kids may get a kick out of it and die-hard fans will be able to test not only their typing speed, but also their knowledge of Pokémon.
- Gameplay4
- Playability4
- Visuals3
- Audio3
- Lifespan3
Final Score
A unique Pokémon game
Entertaining to play
Supplied keyboard is useful for other products
Corny names and storyline
Unlikely to replay unless you want high scores