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Platform: Switch • Author: Dennis Tummers

The 2D time travelling platformer YesterMorrow steps into the light to banish darkness forever. But does this title from the Slovakian developer Bitmap Galaxy has a bright future tomorrow, or is it better left in yesterday's past? Step inside for the verdict!


Projection: First Light

Platform: Switch • Author: João Pereira

There have been a variety of Puzzle Platformer titles, released in recent times, but this could be the first time that a new developer, has produced such an example based on Shadow Theatre. Shadowplay Studios, brings Projection: First Light to the Nintendo Switch, does it reveal itself to be a shining example? Or is there a shadow of doubt hanging over it? Jonnas delivers his verdict.


Nexomon: Extinction

Platform: Switch • Author: Glen O'Brien

Do you like Pokémon games? Are the 2D games more appealing to you then the modern entries? If so, then Nexomon: Extinction might what you're looking for. Our resident Pokémon expert Glen uses Insight... it's super effective! Check inside for the verdict.


Night Call

Platform: Switch • Author: Dean Jones

Night Call is an investigation title, featuring a certain amount of mystery, quite literal narrative driven conversations, which take place inside a taxi, and quite a striking art style. Are there enough engaging elements to keep the player interested, or does it play out in a more linear fashion? Dean takes this title for a night-time drive to see how it holds up. Check inside for his verdict.



Platform: Switch • Author: Anil Parmar

Huntdown is an action-packed blaster for one or two players, which features a style heavily influenced by the 16-Bit era of gaming. But does the gameplay back up the striking visual style, or is it another case of nostlagia taking centre-stage? Anil Parmar blasts though this modern action title with a tactical twist, multiple times in order to bring you his verdict.


Shantae and the Seven Sirens

Platform: Switch • Author: Dean Anderson

The latest entry in the Shantae series arrives on Nintendo Switch. But is this half-genie a half-measure this time? Step on in and find out!


Paper Mario: The Origami King

Platform: Switch • Author: Dean Anderson

Ring Flat Adventure


Infliction: Extended Cut

Platform: Switch • Author: João Pereira

If you're looking for a unique Horror game, then Infliction: Extended Cut might just be exactly what you're looking for, but is it a cut above the rest? Or not worth inflicting on your Switch? Jonnas investigates this intruiging title. Check inside for the verdict.


Bug Fables: The Everlasting Sapling

Platform: Switch • Author: Sam C Gittins

An RPG with heavy inspiration taken from the Paper Mario series, but with a Bug theme? Surely this combination is too good to be true? Dennis takes a trip to Bugaria to find out if Bug Fables: The Everlasting Sapling really is a great game on its own merits, while Sam supplies a few snippets of comparison between it and the original paper plumber titles. Check inside for the N-Europe verdict.


Xenoblade Chronicles: Definitive Edition

Platform: Switch • Author: Glen O'Brien

Xenoblade Chronicles: Definitive Edition is now available for the Nintendo Switch, a decade on from the release of the original Wii version. Is this really the ultimate version of the modern JRPG classic? Glen puts the game through its paces, let's find out if he's really feeling it or not. Check inside for the verdict.


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