Latest Nintendo Reviews


Platform: Wii • Author: Sam Gittins

Looking like a chibi version of Johnny 5 (ask your parents/older siblings if you are drawing a blank) and staring in one of Summer 2008's blockbuster family films, Wall-E will win your heart on the big screen. But will he do the same in your Wii?


Pool Party

Platform: Wii • Author: Stephen Thompson

Unfortunately nothing to do with scantily clad females dancing round a swimming pool, but the kind of pool involving a table, a cue and a number of balls. It's somewhat lacking the promised "party".


Etrian Odyssey

Platform: DS • Author: Steven Penny

Can cartography be made into an enjoyable role-playing game? Steven delves into the depths of the underground in Etrian Odyssey to find out.


Pirates: Key of Dreams

Platform: Wii • Author: Chris Coyne

Worth your pieces of eight or just a walk off the plank? N-Europe investigates Oxygen's piratical WiiWare shooter...


Guitar Hero On Tour

Platform: DS • Author: Franklin Hughes

Guitar Hero gets shrunk down to fit on the DS, but does it still provide the illusion of shredding a guitar?


Race Driver: GRID

Platform: DS • Author: Mark Lee

We road test the latest Race Driver title. Is it worthy of a place on the grid?


Soul Bubbles

Platform: DS • Author: Mark Lee

Trap Souls in a bubble then blow them around a maze, is it really as fun as it sounds?


SBCG4AP Episode 1: Homestar Ruiner

Platform: Virtual Console • Author: Nathan Whincup

Homestar Runner's Strong Bad lands his first title on WiiWare - we've got the verdict inside.


Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn

Platform: Wii • Author: Steven Penny

The classic Fire Emblem franchise makes its way onto the Wii, but is it a lengthy adventure of a waggle-based side quest?


Defend Your Castle

Platform: Wii • Author: Adam Ducker

You've finally gotten your hands on the crown and your backside on the throne, only to find out there are hordes of stickmen trying to knockdown the walls and take over. Troops at the ready, prepare to Defend Your Castle.


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