Latest Nintendo Reviews

The World Ends with You

Platform: DS • Author: Nicholas Hintze

What would you do if you only had seven days before you were wiped from existence?


The Incredible Hulk: The Game

Platform: Wii • Author: Simeon Paskell

"You won't like me when I'm angry", is what Bruce Banner usually says. We could say the same to him after playing his latest video game outing. "N-E Smash"!


Ninja Gaiden: Dragon Sword

Platform: DS • Author: Sam Gittins

Played the same level over and over on the downloadable Demo from the Wii's "Nintendo Channel"? Still not sure if you want to empty your pockets for the full game? N-Europe is here to help with our full review of DS debut of Ryu Hayabusa.


Cooking Guide: Can't Decide What To Eat

Platform: DS • Author: Mark Lee

A bona fide cooking guide? Head inside to gobble up our review.


Super Smash Bros. Brawl

Platform: Wii • Author: Iun Hockley

An all-star cast of characters clash in a cataclysmic battle for victory. N-Europe joins the fray to review the long-awaited fighter - was it worth the wait?


Alone in the Dark

Platform: Wii • Author: Will Buxton

Alone in the Dark makes it way to the Nintendo Wii... is it worthy of a place in your games collection, or is it really best left "alone in the dark"?


Family Ski

Platform: Wii • Author: Mark

We plough into Namco's Family Ski...


Wii Fit

Platform: Wii • Author: Mark Lee

One month of sweating. One month of pain. One month of balance acts. One month to think about Wii Fit. Here is N-Europe's final conclusion...


Toki Tori

Platform: Wii • Author: Nathan Whincup

When Two Tribes go to war, the offspring is a tech-savvy, kick-ass chicken with a freezing ray gun, construction skills and a teleportation device.


Final Fantasy CC: My Life As A King

Platform: Virtual Console • Author: Stephen Thomson

King Stephen greedily chases down Moogles for his taxes and beheads rowdy rebels as he lives out his life as a monarch.


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