Review: Wacky World Of Sports

Wii Review

"Cheese Rolling – The game to finally dethrone Wii Sports Bowling? No."

Its been quiet on the waggle front. Too quiet. Here at N-E we've been enjoying a sudden influx of what you could consider 'traditional' titles. Games such as TMNT Smash Up and Monkey Island to old school 2D platformers like Lostwinds 2. So thanks SEGA for bringing us back to earth and reminding us that sometimes Wii houses frustrating party games.

Taking a unique twist on the sport and party genre, Wacky World of Sports certainly throws out something new. We would never have imagined playing some of the sports housed on this disk. But as wacky as they are the enjoyment you will get from most of these sports (and we use the term 'sports' lightly) renders WWoS a disappointment.

Take some furniture and go racing, roll cheese around a scoreboard for high-scores, iron clothes whilst parachuting. Utterly bonkers for sure and it certainly evokes a Japanese-like spectator sport vibe but with wonky controls, which require specific gestures in tight time windows, you will end up pulling your hair out in frustration more often than not. It's not all bad as some of the events (which require more nuanced motion) work well. Furniture Racing falls into this category and Wood Cutting is somewhat enjoyable too. With these events you may find yourself enjoying the title (Ice Golf anyone?) but these moments are rare in the grand scheme of things and when you invite friends around to play, most sports will quadruple the frustration. Not good.

Extreme Ironing - probably legal somewhere in the US...

On the bright side the graphics can best be described as 'vibrant', offering a nice mix of locales which all evoke a late 90's arcade feeling. Bundle in the announcer calls (which sound strangely like Mario) and you've got a title which wouldn't look out of place in an arcade, but one which certainly feels disjointed sat in your Wii.

In total there are ten unlockable events which you will earn as you work your way through the game's main Tour Mode. This mode pits you against 3 other AI characters in which you must beat in order to face a final opponent which (if you defeat) will unlock the next round of the tour. Points are scored based on final standings in events with the bottom-based player being eliminated after each round. Thankfully you can replay the final opponent as much as you like rather than play through the entire section again.

But the incentive is poor. The Tour mode is over before it has began and the limited amount of wacky sports means that WWoSwill be a title you won't return to – especially if other, more high-profile party games are in your Wii games collection.

Mario preferred this new version of Princess Peach...

With a loony, Japanese outlook on events and a cheery vibe WWoS certainly looks and acts differently from other party games on Wii and with a cast of characters that are best described as 'insane', you'd be hard pressed to not laugh on occasion. But the fundamental flaw with WWoSis the depth of the title and the quality of the games on parade, and it is here that you may as well render WWoSas another title that is only worth a rent.

Final scores, as always, lie below...

N-Europe Final Verdict

Wacky World of Sports is certainly wacky but is just another party title that will be hitting the bargain bins. Nothing special to see here. Move along, move along...

  • Gameplay2
  • Playability2
  • Visuals3
  • Audio3
  • Lifespan2
Final Score



Zany, insane, loopy!
Some nice locales
Some likeable characters


Shorter than a Borrower
Inconsistent controls
ANOTHER ‘sportyminigameathon'

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