Mario Kart DS

E3 2005: Mario Kart DS Online!

It's what everyone has been waiting to hear... Mario Kart DS will be online!

Nintendo's booth at the Electronic Entertainment Expo is almost complete, and the company's plans during this week are coming to light. IGN reports that at one of the demo kiosks in the Nintendo DS section of the show floor, the company has a Nintendo DS Online demonstration setup. Best of all is that on the sign marking the demo stations are the listed games "Mario Kart DS" and "Animal Crossing DS"

While Animal Crossing DS had previously been announced as an online Nintendo DS title, Mario Kart DS, however had not been revealed to be an online game, until just now.

The online demo station appears to have several slots for numerous systems; at least eight will be used to show off the online support of the system.

Expect more news, as we get it, here at Cube-Europe!

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